Category: 202212
What are the effects of different fermentation mattress materials on the growth performance of pigs?

The scientific breeding technology of modern scale farming has become a new …

Three kinds of beneficial foods for diabetics

The treatment of diabetes has always been a problem in the medical field. In the past two …

Technical Points for Returning Corn Straw

The corn stalk crusher will crush the upright corn stalks to the field to increase soil or…

Key Techniques of Hybrid Rape Seed Management

The cultivation of age-appropriate seedlings is the basis for the high yield of hybrid rap…

House mat dust is harmful

Some chicken farmers believe that using chicken ash sheds can prevent chicken disease. Thi…

Precautions for eating milk

Although milk is nutritious, it has to be carefully selected. For example, you must first …

Citrus maintains vigor and yields

The main reasons for falling citrus fruit are: poor flower development, lack of nutrition,…

Autumn Chinese Cabbage Middle and Late Fertilization Management

1 Light weight and weight before applying K fertilizer to Chinese cabbage


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