Solar energy insecticidal lamp solar panel installed optimal tilt angle

In the design of solar insecticidal lamps, the selection of the best inclination angle in different regions is an important technical issue. In solar thermal utilization systems, solar panels are generally required to receive the largest amount of solar radiation throughout the year; in grid-connected photovoltaic power generation systems, solar cells are generally required to generate the largest amount of electricity throughout the year, and their size is affected by solar radiation intensity and photovoltaic cells. Factors such as characteristics, and independent photovoltaic power generation systems are also affected by other factors such as load and battery. Therefore, the same latitude solar insecticidal lamp will have different optimal tilt angles for solar thermal utilization and solar panel placement in grid-connected photovoltaic power generation.

The annual optimum inclination of the solar panel placement in parts of China is calculated by the model of the solar insecticidal lamp. The optimum inclination angle of the year is mainly affected by latitude. The optimal inclination angle of most cities is slightly smaller than the latitude of the year. For example, the best inclination angle of Beijing and Shanghai is about 4° smaller than the latitude of each year. The best inclination angle of Guangzhou and Harbin is smaller than its latitude. At 6°, Lhasa's best inclination is about 3° above its latitude. The annual variation of direct solar radiation and scattered radiation is also an important factor. For example, Lhasa and Shanghai have similar latitudes, but the annual optimum inclination varies greatly. Due to atmospheric transparency, cloud cover, etc., the direct solar radiation dose in each region is very different from the total radiation ratio. For example, Shanghai direct radiation accounts for 51.7% of total radiation, and Lhasa direct radiation accounts for 79.7%. The direct direct radiation and the total scattering of the inclined surface of Shanghai and Lhasa as a function of the tilt angle show that the direct radiation in Shanghai is similar to the scattered radiation, but the LSA scattering radiation is much smaller than the direct radiation, and the influence on the optimal inclination is negligible. If only direct radiation is considered, the annual optimum inclination angles of Shanghai and Lhasa are both 33°, but since Shanghai's scattered radiation accounts for a large proportion of total radiation, and the annual optimum inclination of scattered radiation decreases with the increase of the inclination angle. Therefore, the optimum inclination angle of the total radiation year is less than the latitude. From the calculation results, the greater the direct radiation specific gravity, the closer the annual tilt angle of the solar panel of the solar insecticidal lamp to the latitude or greater than the latitude. The annual number of hours of direct radiation and the distribution of solar radiation on a time-by-hour basis are also factors influencing the optimal inclination of the year. Solar radiation intensity is the most important factor in the generation of photovoltaic cells. Based on the photovoltaic cell power output model, the optimal dip angle of photovoltaic power generation is equal to or slightly larger than the annual optimal inclination of heat utilization.

Based on the literature on the optimal tilt angle of solar panels with solar insecticidal lamps, based on the special meteorological datasets for solar insecticidal lamps in China, a new idea for calculating time-lapse solar radiation is proposed. Through the numerical calculation of the annual optimum inclination angle of the solar panels of solar insecticidal lamps in some areas of China, it is concluded that the annual variation of direct solar radiation and scattered radiation is also an important factor affecting the optimal dip angle. The installation angle of the solar panel of the insecticidal lamp provides a design reference. In addition, based on the calculation of the solar radiation on the inclined surface, based on the output power model of a certain photovoltaic cell, the optimal installation angle calculation method of the photovoltaic panel of the solar insecticidal lamp is further proposed, and the results are compared and analyzed. Applying other photovoltaic cell power output models to calculate the optimal installation tilt angle lays the foundation.

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