Category: 202212
The efficacy and function of chicken gizzard

Chicken gizzards are the stomach of chickens, namely chicken gizzards, dried chicken, and …

Weight Watcher Announces Integration of Jawbone and Fitbit Data

Recently, Weight Watcher announced that its application will be synchro…

The prevention of corn madness disease

Maize mad disease, also known as Phytophthora infestans, can develop throughout the growin…

Do not go blindly when growing vegetables

In the cultivation process of melon vegetables, reasonable removal of leaves can reduce th…

Pregnancy recipe for pregnant women for 14 weeks

What Nutrition Needs for 14 Weeks of Pregnancy

1. Vitamin A: This type of vitamin …

Autumn cabbage mantle disease prevention and treatment method

Soil treatment Before the cultivation of Chinese cabbage, 2.5~3.5 kg of phoxim granu…

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