Hard-headed turtle breeding
The hard-headed bream is a migratory cold-water fish, also known as loggerhead bream, which is 10% in freshwater to salinity. The water body can survive and grow well. The survival water temperature is from 0.6°C to 25°C, and the optimal water temperature is from 10°C to 18°C. The habitat conditions require clean water, plenty of water, sufficient oxygen, and dissolved oxygen of 6 mg/L or higher. Normal growth; juveniles mainly feed on zooplankton and benthic animals under natural conditions. Adult fish eat fish, benthic animals, aquatic insects and eat plant debris. Fish breeding The cultivation of the fingerlings is divided into two stages. From the juvenile to the weight of about 20 grams, it is the small fingerling cultivation phase; the individual weighing 20 grams to 100 grams is the large fingerling cultivation phase. The types of fish breeding ponds are flow aquaculture ponds, mainly cement ponds or stone blocks; the fish pond size ranges from 5 m2 to 30 m2, and the water depth is 0.5 m to 0.7 m; the suitable water temperature for fingerling cultivation is 10 °C to 16 °C; the dissolved oxygen in the cultivation pond water should be ≥8 mg/l; the stocking density of the fingerlings in the breeding stage is restricted by many factors such as the water temperature, water quality, dissolved oxygen in the water body, and fish species specifications. Under normal circumstances, juvenile The stocking density of fish is 1000 to 1300 tails/m2, the stocking density is 3 to 5 g/tail and the stocking density is 200 to 300 tails/m2, and the individual stocking density is 20 to 80 to 100 tails/m2 Individuals with a body weight of about 100 grams have a stocking density of 40 to 50 tails per square meter; small fingerlings are fed 4 times a day; large fingerlings are fed 2 to 3 times a day. The amount of feed fed differs slightly depending on the water temperature, the stocking density of the fish, and the fish species. Under normal circumstances, the feed rate for small-scale species is 3% to 5 at a water temperature of 10°C to 16°C. About %, the feed for large-sized species is about 2% to 3.5%. In daily management, it is important to note that there should be a slope of 10% to 20% from the inlet to the outlet of the aquaculture tank to facilitate the removal of dirt and keep the water quality clean. The outlet and overflow should be based on the size of the fish. Set the gatekeeper to prevent fish from escaping. With the growth of fingerlings, when the individual differences exceed 30% or the density is high, pooling or grading should be performed in time. Adult fish culture The adult fish breeding stage refers to the stage where the fish species are raised from 100 grams to commercial fish. In the adult fish breeding stage, the aquaculture pond is mainly made of concrete ponds or stone blocks; the culture ponds have an area of ​​30 to 100 square meters, and the water depth is 0.8 to 1.2 meters; the suitable water temperature for adult fish breeding is 10 to 18 degrees Celsius. The dissolved oxygen in the aquaculture pond water should be ≥6 mg/L; stocking fish species should be neat in size, bright in body color, agile in swimming, and good in physique; the stocking densities of fingerlings should follow the flow conditions, stocking species specifications, and aquaculture ponds. The temperature varies from 10°C to 16°C, and the stocking density of fingerlings with a specification of 100 grams or more is 30 to 100 tails per square meter; the number of feedings per day for adult fish breeding is 2 to 3 times. The feed protein content was ≥40%; the amount of feed was slightly different with the fish species and the water temperature of the culture. Under normal circumstances, the amount of feed was kept at about 2% to 3%. Daily management should pay attention to: daily patrol pond inspection twice, observe the fish activities, feeding and whether there is fish escape, etc., timely adjust the flow of water, remove the pool of dirt, keep the water clean; regular monitoring of dissolved oxygen and water temperature , do a good job in breeding records; regular monitoring of fish species specifications, combined with water temperature conditions in a timely manner to adjust the amount of feed and stocking density. Disease prevention and treatment The environmental hygiene during the cultivation of fingerlings and the culture of adult fish should comply with the relevant regulations for quality and safety management of aquaculture. Persons entering the workshop and tools should be disinfected before use; purchased fish eggs, fry, fingerlings, adult fish and their delivery vehicles entering the breeding area should be disinfected. At the same time, the source of infection should be controlled to prevent the entry of infection sources such as mice, flies, and birds into the warehouses and culture areas. The water source of the culture ponds should be thoroughly sterilized before entering the culture ponds. The fish ponds should be kept clean and hygienic, and the water should be kept clean to prevent the entry of sundries. Warning Triangle,Safety Warning Triangle Kit,Roadside Warning Triangle,High Visibility Warning Triangle Ningbo Zhihao Car Accessories Co.,Ltd. , https://www.zhihaoautoparts.com