Category: 202310
Edible mushroom harvesting techniques

First, master the best harvest period. The various mushrooms are basically mature at the a…

[Inventory] These 4 cool apps for people with visual impairments

Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, smartphones are revolutionizi…

American scientists developed medical 3D printed customizable blood vessel stents

Recently, Guillermo Ameer and Sun Cheng, two scientists from Northwestern Un…

Briefly describe the test method and application skills of medicinal glass bottle round jump


The efficacy, role and nutritional value of water celery

Cress is known as celery, celery, celery, and wild celery. In Chi…

Small package fresh mushroom processing method

Once harvested, fresh mushrooms must be neatly discharged into small containers and sent t…

Process characteristics of the juice extractor

Process characteristics of the juice extractor
The juice extracting mac…

The cold supplements should shift to a light diet

In the cold winter, eating more meat, especially lamb, can play a warm role. However, Wang…

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