Pre-harvest application of calcium nitrate

The lack of calcium in the peel of the grape fruit can cause the pulp to rot, brown, peel off the fruit and other undesirable phenomena. Therefore, spraying calcium on grapes before harvesting can increase the calcium content of grapes, increase the quality and yield of grapes, and increase economic efficiency.

According to the author's test, calcium spray can be applied to the grapes from 1 month to 10 days before harvest, and calcium nitrate should be suitable for spraying. Spraying calcium at the berry stage, the more easily absorbed, the spraying concentration of 1% is appropriate. Spraying 10 days before harvesting, the concentration should be 1.5%.

Spraying calcium on the leaf surface of grapes should be performed well before 10 o'clock in the morning and in the evening. In sunny days when the temperature is high, the concentration of calcium sprayed should be smaller, and it should rain within 8 hours after spraying. once.




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