Eat cherry notes

Eat cherry notes

1. Cherries are good, but they must be eaten in moderation. Excessive consumption will increase the extra burden on the gastrointestinal tract.

2, cherries for the warm food, a lot of food easy to get angry, so body heat, ulcers, diabetes, people do not eat cherries.

3, should pay attention to the election of cherries, choose to have a fruity, bright color, full of skin without depression.

4, cherries are not conducive to preservation, it is best to eat fresh. If you can't finish the day, you must store it in the refrigerator, and the time cannot be too long. Cherries are suitable for refrigerated storage at minus 1 degree Celsius. Cherry berry is easily damaged, so be sure to handle it gently.

5, kidney disease patients eat carefully. The potassium content of cherries is very high, 258 mg of potassium per 100 grams. It is not a small number for patients with kidney disease. Patients with kidney disease suffer from oliguria and edema if the kidneys lose their ability to regulate water and electrolytes. In the case of oliguria, potassium retention may be reduced due to reduced potassium excretion. If the patient eats too much cherries, the patient will have hyperkalemia.


How to choose cherries

1, see the color

The color of the cherry is dark red or dark red and is usually sweet. Dark red is the sweetest, bright red is slightly sour.

2, see the epidermis

When people eat fruit, they are most afraid of eating insects. The same is true of cherries. The outer surface of the skin is slightly harder, because such cherry fruit flies do not enter, leaving no eggs and leaving room for insects.

3, see the size of the shape

When selecting cherries in the market, it is often seen that some cherries are large in size, while others are even smaller, and they should be categorized. However, personally think that the cherries are large in size and the entire cherries are in the shape of an oblate D and the stem position is The more conspicuous the part, the more sweet it is.

4, see fruit gloss

No matter what fruit variety, the epidermis shines the healthiest and best. Cherry is no exception.

5, see fruit stems

Look at the fruit stems should be selected green color, if there is a black phenomenon, it shows that it is not new, it is recommended not to buy.

6, see whether the cherries fold

The wrinkled surface of the cherry peel indicates that the fruit is dehydrated and may deteriorate or lose moisture.

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