Rain-dried weather dry-type fermentation bed cows precautions

Since July, most areas of our country have been hit by torrential rains, causing tremendous damage to crops and livestock. Few thousand pigs in pig farms in Fangshan District of Beijing have been killed in floods. It is reported that heavy rain has also produced huge impacts and losses on the breeding of dairy cows. The main manifestations are as follows: silage is wet, leading to feed shortage; the weather is hot and high temperature and sultry is not conducive to the fermentation of microorganisms in the fermentation bed, excrement can not Decomposition in time, declining sanitary conditions lead to the rapid proliferation of bacteria and viruses, and the prevalence of dairy cows is increasing. In the harsh climate conditions, how to minimize the loss of dairy farming needs to pay attention to the following two points:

1. Strengthen the rain-proof work of silage and hay materials to prevent mildew in silage.

Silage made from the use of Gumba silage starter is eaten by cows. A large number of beneficial functional microorganisms are directly involved in the gastro-intestinal barrier of dairy cows, thereby improving the immunity and disease resistance of dairy cows and making the cows less sick. Therefore, it is particularly important to pay attention to the protection of silage in bad weather caused by the rapid growth of harmful bacteria and viruses. Before the storm hits, check whether the cover of the silage is tight and whether the drainage channel is smooth. When taking the material, attention must be paid to the formation of the material surface. After the material is taken, the feed should be sealed in time.

In addition, moldy silage contains harmful substances, so once moldy silage is found, it should be immediately discarded to ensure the quality and quality of dairy milk production.

Second, be sure to keep the dry mattress material dry and housing sanitation.

The continuous rainfall of the weather allows the cows to stay in the bed of the fermentation bed. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that the dryness of the fermented mattress material and the hygiene of the housing are important. The dryness of the fermented mattresses not only makes the cows comfortable for lying down, but also guarantees the orderly fermentation of beneficial bacteria in the fermentation bed, and quickly decomposes and converts cow dung urine into odorless gas and crude protein or bacterial protein. Litter urine is not visible on the surface of litter and can significantly reduce harmful bacteria and virus growth. At the same time, the active beneficial functional flora in the fermentation bed will also inhibit the breeding of harmful pathogens, thus ensuring the healthy growth of dairy cows.

In order to prevent this type of torrential rain, it is suggested that the farmers who are preparing to build a fermentation bed house must build a shed in a high-dry place, where the groundwater level is low and the drainage is convenient. It is also necessary to check the roof of the pens for leaks in time to ensure the normal operation of the fermentation bed. Practice has proved that the well-managed Tycoon dry fermentation bed can run continuously for 3 to 5 years or longer. Details can be consulted: Beijing Huaxia Kangyuan Technology Co., Ltd. telephone toll-free hotline

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