Men's Health: Men's Urination

Men's diseases such as prostate disease and sexual dysfunction have become the main diseases that endanger men's health, resulting in a decline in the quality of life of couples and affecting family harmony. How do men self-test their health? Some experts point out that they can test for hidden diseases by urinating themselves. If there are six abnormal urination, it may indicate that the body has a health hazard.


Urine bifurcation

Urinary bifurcation refers to the formation of two or more urine streams in the urethra when urine flows out. Such urination symptoms are more common in patients with prostatitis and prostatic hyperplasia.

Endless urine

Incomplete urination refers to the fact that when urinating, there is always an incomplete or incomplete urine drainage. More common in male prostate disease, urinary tract stones, and urinary tract tumor and physiological structure abnormalities.

Urine turbidity (urine drops white)

Urinary turbidity, urinary drop white refers to the occurrence of turbidity in the urine, or white turbidity, or such as rice bran water, this situation generally shows that the urogenital system inflammation, such as prostatitis.


Difficulty in urination refers to the fact that urine can not be naturally excluded when urinating, urination for a long time, and some droplets come out, and even need drum belly to discharge urine. Such conditions often indicate prostatic hyperplasia, prostate cancer, acute prostatitis, urethral inflammation, stones, tumors, and urethral tumors.

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