Summary of laboratory glassware cleaning methods
Vitamins Xi'an complex bio-tech CO.,LTD. ,
Advantages: Ultrasonic cleaning is good, especially for items with complex surfaces and small lumens. The aluminum foil test cavitation produces a powerful force that effectively removes dirt.
Disadvantages: Cavitation can damage the surface of the item
3. Washing machine cleaning: The cleaning solution enters the spray arm and the spray pipe under the pressure drive of the circulation pump, and the pressurized circulating water drives the spray arm to rotate to complete the cleaning of the cleaning articles. It is placed in the cleaning chamber and the cleaning process is carried out with an automated machine. In general, it is necessary to add an auxiliary cleaning agent for cleaning, and the steps of pre-washing-washing-rinsing-neutralizing-rinsing-drying can be completed. The cleaning process can be recorded, traceable, and the cleaning process can be verified.