Fruit and vegetable heat and heat management
In general, high temperatures mostly appeared in July and August. Under strong sunlight, the transpiration of the plant body increased dramatically, resulting in fruit "sunburn", "falling fruit drop", "male infertility", "growth and weakness" and other phenomena. In addition, the temperature is too high, in addition to pollen development is not only lead to "falling flowers and falling fruit," but also cause deformity. High temperature has an effect on the formation of tomato lycopene in eggplant. When the temperature exceeds 35 degrees, lycopene is difficult to form, and the color of the fruit is poor, which affects the quality. Defensive measures against high temperature and heat damage in summer, appropriate early sowing and planting of fruit and vegetables with high temperature, and promotion of luxuriant growth of foliage during seedling stage to reduce the risk of sunburn disease on fruits. Timely irrigation with sprinkler irrigation or deep well water irrigation is best, can be cooled by evaporative cooling, watering time should be in the morning or evening as well, avoid watering in the afternoon when the water temperature. Solanaceous can be used with 2,4-D to prevent flowering. In addition, grain and vegetables can also be interplanted, such as high-stalked corn and sweet peppers, potatoes and other vegetables interplanting can play the role of shade cooling. You can also choose heat-resistant vegetables, such as melon, loofah, kidney beans, and leeks. This will not only avoid and reduce the harm of high temperature on the growth of vegetables, but also reduce the shortage of vegetables due to high temperatures caused by the lack of vegetables. Make-Up Remover,Makeup Remover,Eye Makeup Remover,The Makeup Remover Guangzhou Lingxue Cosmetics Co., Ltd ,