Light color and chicken

Light color and chicken have a close relationship. In breeding practice, the proper use of light can have a multiplier effect. First, red light. Red light has the effect of inhibiting growth rate and delaying sexual maturation for chicks and young chickens at the growth stage. Therefore, chicks and young chickens should be prohibited from using red light. There is also a bad influence of the red light on the roosters, which reduces the fertilization rate of the breeding eggs, so the roosters should not use red light. Second, green light. The effect of green light on the performance of adult hens in inhibiting laying performance can reduce the egg production rate of laying hens and reduce hatching and hatching rates. Therefore, laying hens and breeding hens should not use green light. Third, blue light. Blue light tends to induce sucking in chickens, reducing the disease resistance of chickens at each stage, and can reduce the egg production rate of adult hens. Therefore, chickens cannot use blue light for their entire life. Fourth, Huang Guang. Yellow light can reduce the egg production rate of adult hens, so the production of layered chickens and chicken farms should be prohibited to use yellow light illumination, and yellow light is also easy to induce chicken gizzards, so all age groups of flock should not use yellow light illumination. In addition, the color of clothes worn by the breeders also has an adverse effect on the flock. When a flock of chickens is accustomed to keeping a certain color of the clothing of the staff, it will produce a sense of intimacy. When the breeder enters the house, it will cause chicken spirits, increased appetite, and increased feed intake. If the breeder suddenly changes the color of the clothing, the chickens will be terrified, turmoil, loss of appetite, and a reduction in the amount of appropriate production, thus affecting the growth and development of the chicken and reducing the efficiency of the rearing. Therefore, whether it is family or chicken farms, in addition to prohibiting the use of taboo light color, keepers should also maintain the relative stability of clothing, do not wear colorful costumes, but also should not be free to change clothes.


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