New Maize Variety - Xindan 23

High-yield, high-quality, high-yield, high-yielding, high-resistance, disease-resistance, and disease-resistant Xindan 23 is a new high-yield, stable-yielding, high-quality, and disease-resistant maize variety developed in 2000 by the Xinxiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Henan Province. 2. The approved serial number 23 was approved by Henan Province in 2004, and the validation number was: Yu Juyu 2004001 III. Test results In 2001, he participated in the regional test of maize hybrids in Henan Province, with an average yield of 742.19 kg, ranking first. In the comparative test of 14 varieties in 2002, the average yield was 845.32kg, ranking first. Compared with Zhengdan 958, the output increased by 12.6%, and that of Nongda 108 increased by 27.9%. From 2002 to 2003, he participated in the summer broadcast test of corn hybrids in Henan Province, with an average yield of 533 kg/mu, which was 10.1% higher than the control Nongda 108, reaching a significant level. In 2003, they took part in production trials. Under the conditions of extreme natural disasters, the average yield per mu was 449.9 kg, an increase of 9.0% over the control Nongda 108. Fourth, suitable for the promotion of the Huanghuaihai summer corn area, the East China North and the Southwest corn area. V.Characteristics: Huanghuaihai summer sowing period 100 days, plant height 240cm, ear height 106cm, ear length 22-25cm, ear thickness 5.4cm, average ear line 17.6 lines, grain row 41 grains, pure yellow grain, Good fruitfulness, 90% seeding rate, 1000-grain weight 325g, good lodging resistance. Inoculation identification in 2003: high resistance to corn leaf spot, bacterial wilt, high resistance to smut, functional leaf holding long green period, mature live trees, high yield and stable yield. In 2003, the Agricultural Products Quality Supervision and Inspection Center (Zhengzhou) of the Ministry of Agriculture detected grain protein content 10.6%, fat 4.38%, starch 72.09%, lysine 0.31%, and weight 760g/L. Sixth, cultivation points: Huanghuaihai summer corn area, suitable sowing date May 28th - June 15th, mu sowing volume 2.5kg, density 3300-3500 strain/mu. Planting with equal spacing, row spacing 60cm; planting width and width, width 80cm, narrow row 40cm. Top dressing was applied by phased fertilization, ie, 40% of the total fertilizer applied 28 days after sowing (early jointing), and 60% of the total fertilizer was applied 45 days after sowing (big bell season). High-yielding fields should increase P and K fertilizers and special fertilizers at the seedling stage. At the seedling stage, attention was paid to the control of thrips and aphids, and the large bell-mouth period was discarded with granular insecticides to prevent and treat corn borers. VII. Protection of Varieties: This species was applied for the protection of new varieties in 2003. Announcement No. CNA001058E.

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