Virtual person is the eye of a wearable device
Release date: 2014-08-06 Any dancer or doctor knows thoroughly that the human body is a machine with incredible expressive power! 300 joints, 600 muscles, and 100% freedom! The next time you make breakfast Pay attention to the delicate and complicated movements of the cabinet when you open the cabinet and pour milk. Pay attention to the movement of your limbs in the space. How do you use your weight and balance without any effort? The only reason your mind is not swayed by your awesome ballet-like movement every morning is that other people in the world can do the same. The flexibility of the entire body's brain commands is definitely not as simple as it seems. ——Bret Victor The future will be virtualized and wearable The University of Southern California (USC) Institute of Innovative Technology (ICT) is a pioneer in virtual human (VH) technology. ICT's Virtual People Working Group created virtual people and made virtualized viewing, listening, speaking, and physical expressions like real humans. Among them, the study of the face is a particularly complicated process. The human face contains 43 muscles, showing whether we are happy, sad, scared, angry, disgusted or surprised. The completion of these expressions requires at least 5 muscles to participate, but understanding and sensing the true human emotions is that the virtual characters become more realistic. The key is. Virtual Human (VH) technology is currently used to help improve the interaction between clinicians and patients. Virtual People: MultiSense and SimSensei In 2014, ICT developed MultiSense as a quantitative method for facial expressions, body postures and speaking styles. The algorithm combines these data to create a complete picture of the real-time emotional state and a profile profile that changes over time. MultiSense is developing SimSensei, the next generation virtual human platform designed to improve medical decision making and patient care. Virtual person, let the patient put down the camouflage Virtual human technology can be used for role play, training, and helping doctors improve patient interaction. But ICT's new research has had some surprising results. New research has found that patients are more likely to answer personal questions honestly when talking to virtual people. Initially, ICT began training them by allowing clinicians to communicate with virtual human patients. In the new study, the roles of the two parties are exchanged – the patient communicates with the virtual doctor and the virtual doctor performs a regular consultation. From the basic situation, gradually transition to more intimate issues, such as "What is your relationship with your family?" “Some participants were told that their conversations were entirely computer driven and would not be observed. Others were told that only one operator in another room was monitoring the entire process. In either case, their facial expressions They are all recorded by video and then used to analyze and measure their emotional expression levels." - Tom Jacobs said, participants said "these, I will never admit to my doctor." Surprisingly, virtual doctors can get better patient data. Patients can disclose more information when discussing private matters with computer-generated entities. Why? Gale Lucas, the founder of the study in the ICT department, said that participants did not feel that they were observed or judged. They also reported that this approach “significantly reduces the fear of self-disclosure.†Virtual person, disease prediction In this field, British researchers use virtual physiology to “simulate the human body to be very similar to the real human body. Any data can be entered to create a personalized health plan and develop for any patient's condition. Make predictions." Marco Viceconti, director of the Insigneo Institute at the University of Sheffield, said: "If I now enter the data for a particular individual into my simulator, the simulator will make a health prediction of the individual's condition. This is not an individualized medication. This is Personalized medicine, we can finally make some judgments about you, not because you have the same age, gender and disease as thousands of others, but because you have your own situation and history." Virtual person is the eye of a wearable device Previously, Brian Eastwood once wrote that the dilemma of wearable technology is that there is too much data and there is not enough insight. He explained that although he has been writing for medical IT, he still does not use a fitness tracker. I started thinking about how virtual human technology can be combined with wearable devices. Although Google Glass has used speech recognition technology, it has not reached the maturity level of virtual people. Imagine your own virtual personal trainer to understand your emotions and behaviors, as well as your personal weaknesses and motivations. With voice recognition technology, you can interact with a virtual personal trainer, which can display large amounts of data on a small screen. Your wearable virtual device can give you a health improvement plan and express it through phrases to maximize your personal health. I believe that in the near future, there will be no difference and distance between human and machine, physical reality and virtual reality. ——Ray Kurzweil Source: China Digital Medical Network
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