Can brown-spotted apples still be eaten?

Eating juicy, sweet and sweet apples in winter is also a pleasure. But be aware that to maintain a crisp taste, apple post-harvest management is critical. If the disease occurred in sales, storage and transportation is called post-harvest disease, there are two major categories: one is a physiological disorder, which is a non-infectious physiological disease caused by environmental conditions or nutritional disorders, such as temperature disorders, respiratory disorders, etc. The other is that the disease is rot and it is an infectious disease caused by microorganisms.


In everyday life, it will look like the surface of the apple is smooth. When it is eaten, the flesh has brown hearts and black hearts. What is going on here? This condition is caused by post-harvest physiological disorders. It may be that the concentration of carbon dioxide in apple during the air-conditioning or in the transport process and in the packaging bag is too high, which causes the disorder of the fruit's respiratory metabolism and the brown heart phenomenon. It may also be chilled. The so-called cold injury refers to discomfortable low-temperature damage above 0°C, as well as internal browning and black-heart conditions. Of course, the cold-stressed factors are not only related to the temperature, but also related to the maturity and variety of apples. Fruits with low general maturity are sensitive to cold stress. With high maturity, the amount of soluble solids contained is high, and the corresponding resistance is stronger.

In addition, this damage may be more severe at higher temperatures because the high temperatures accelerate the respiratory metabolism of the fruit. For example, Apple originally stored on the balcony, when put into the warm living room, but also happened to eat for several days, it is easy to appear brown heart phenomenon. If Apple is harvested too late or stored for too long, there will be internal collapse, that is, the fruit to the physiological stage of late aging. Similar to our approach to old age, lack of water naturally wilted and dry.

What do you see as small spots on the outside, brown apples around? This is likely to be a mildew disease. Most of them are brown rot pathogens. The fruit is initially damaged by light brown, soft, rot-like spots. It quickly expands to the entire fruit within a few days. The flesh is soft, and the surface of the disease grows a gray-brown, villous mycelium with brown or gray spores on the surface. . After that, it will slowly spread throughout the whole fruit rot.

Can the above two conditions of the apple be eaten?

The first is a physiological disorder, as long as it has not been placed for a long time, has not been contaminated by microorganisms in the environment, spread is not very serious, or can be eaten, after all, is a non-infectious physiological disease. Just cut off those brownings and it really spreads to a third, then throw it away. The second category is mildew disease. If the condition is not serious, you can eat it if you remove it from the lesion two centimeters away. If moldy disease reaches more than one-third of the whole fruit, it is unfit for human consumption.

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