This disease is as serious as heart disease, but it is often overlooked

This disease is as serious as heart disease, but it is often overlooked

March 20, 2017 Source: Bio Valley

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Almost everyone has a story about insanity, even though everyone’s name is not the same before that. Most people will recall that grandmothers, fathers, children, or friends in the hospital suddenly become confused, even die or can no longer recover from health experiences, and health experts will recall their experiences with patients or family members. And some people will recall their own unfortunate experience. However, this is the first time we can officially give it a name.

About a quarter of hospitalized elderly suffer from mental disorders, and the fatality rate of this disease can be compared to heart disease. Despite the more common and serious, insanity has never been correctly recognized or accepted.

What is insanity and what kind of harm does it have? Insanity refers to a symptom of sudden and severe deterioration of a patient's mental function due to illness, injury, and medication. It is characterized by difficulty in concentration, difficulty in thinking or communicating, lethargy, and excitement. Many people also have symptoms such as hallucinations or fantasies. Insanity usually lasts for hours to days, but in some cases it can last for weeks to months.

One in four elderly patients in the hospital will experience insanity, some of which are more severe. Patients who are older, or who have had dementia, are at higher risk of developing the disease.

The most effective treatment is to avoid insanity. One-third of the onset can be through simple actions such as helping patients with activities, eating, drinking, and so on. The quality of sleep and regular conversations are also helpful.

Detecting insanity can help determine the occurrence of a disease and also determine which medical treatment can lead to mental confusion. Patients and their families need accurate and timely understanding of what is happening and what can be done

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