5 kinds of behavior delayed baby's long

Calcium, drinking nutrient solution, chasing feeding ... In order to make the children grow up, the parents spared no effort. In fact, in addition to the congenital genetic factors and acquired nutrition, some seemingly ordinary habitual mistakes can affect the child's length.

Feeding food is too full. "Eat more, it's good to be long" is the thinking of many parents. Running behind the children every day with their jobs is a common scene in many families. In fact, this not only created a chubby, it may also lead to a low growth. Studies have found that people in the hungry state will promote the pituitary gland to secrete more growth hormone, which can stimulate children's bone growth. Over-eating can affect the secretion of growth hormone, causing the baby to grow low. Therefore, like adults, baby's diet is best full eight points.

Always stay at home. In the busy concrete world, most of the children’s leisure time is to stay home and play video games or watch TV. The duration of the sun is greatly reduced. The infrared rays in the sun can expand the blood vessels, promote blood circulation and stimulate bone marrow hematopoiesis; ultraviolet rays can kill bacteria and viruses in the skin and air, accelerate the synthesis of vitamin D in the body, improve calcium and phosphorus metabolism in the blood, promote growth and development, and It can prevent anemia and rickets. Therefore, if you want your child to grow up and take him outdoors, in addition to being able to bathe in the sun, running and jumping both increase the amount of exercise and are very beneficial to bone development. The time is best chosen between 9 am and 4 pm, 2 hours per day.

Sitting and playing with toys all day long. Do you feel relieved to see your baby sitting on the floor playing with toys? Attracted by toys, many babies sit for hours, which is detrimental to the development of their physical development and coordination. During exercise, especially walking, running, jumping and other sports, will pull the joints, so that the body's long bones are stressed, so as to stimulate the development of cartilage on both ends of the bones, stimulate the body to secrete growth hormone, which will help grow taller. It is recommended to cultivate the baby's exercise habits from the first birth. Under 1 year old can help them carry out some head-ups, crawls or turn over exercises. Mom and Dad do some baby exercises and massages to the baby, which is also beneficial to the growth and development of the baby. 1 Children of ~2 years old practice running, jumping, bounce, and legs; 2~3 year old babies can skip ropes, trampolines, and single-legged jumps.

Call your baby too soon. After 3 years of age, she began to attend kindergarten. Most of the babies had to get up as early as mom and dad, which virtually affected the child's physical development. Because people only secrete growth hormone when they sleep, they do not secrete when they are awake. So let the baby sleep enough, early in the night to open the warm light in the baby's bedroom, let the bedroom quiet, give the baby a quick sleep environment. After getting up early, don't let the baby wake up with himself, calculate the time, try to let the baby sleep more.

Chaosy calcium. Calcium supplementation has become a common practice among many parents nowadays. However, in fact, excessive calcium supplementation may lead to premature closure of the callus in children and affect skeletal development. In children's developmental stages, as the age increases, the bone ridge line gradually closes and bone maturation accelerates. Before the closure of the epiphyseal line, the magnitude and potential for growth are greater. If closed earlier, the height of the baby is bound to be limited. Therefore, calcium supplements should not be excessive. In fact, as long as the baby is not partial eclipse, nutritionally balanced, adhere to drink milk, sun, basically do not need calcium. Such as older, in addition to dairy products, but also edible soy products, shrimp, fish and other foods to supplement calcium.

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