Natto reduces the risk of stroke death

Natto reduces the risk of stroke death

February 24, 2017 Source: Chinese Journal of Science

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A large-scale survey conducted by Nihon University of Japan recently found that Japanese people who often eat natto are about 30% less likely to die of stroke than Japanese who do not eat natto. This may be related to the nattokinase contained in natto, which has the effect of preventing vascular occlusion.

In 1992, researchers at the University of Minnesota investigated the health status and eating habits of about 29,000 people in Ganyu County, and after 16 years, they again investigated the living conditions and causes of death of these people. During this period, a total of 677 people died of a stroke.

After removing factors such as age, smoking status, and exercise habits, the researchers found that people who consumed about 7 grams of natto per day had a lower risk of dying from stroke than those who seldom ate natto. %, the risk of dying from myocardial infarction is also lower.

Stroke is a group of diseases with symptoms of brain ischemia and hemorrhagic injury as the main clinical manifestations, also known as stroke or cerebrovascular accident, with extremely high mortality and disability.

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