Do a good job in controlling the pests and diseases at the surface of the greenhouse

Airborne diseases and small pests on greenhouse vegetables, such as gray mold, downy mildew, powdery mildew, aphids, thrips, whitefly, and red spider, etc., account for more than 70% of their initial source. At present, the vegetables in the northern greenhouses have gradually entered the spring seedling breeding and planting period, and seize the favorable opportunity to carry out surface disinfection of the greenhouses, which can reduce the pests and diseases at the source, and have the effect of doing more with less.

There are three common methods for surface disinfection of greenhouses: spray application, aerosol application and ozone disinfection.

The use of spray disinfection, preferred broad-spectrum insecticides and fungicides, fungicides can be selected 250 grams per liter pyraclostrobin EC, 60% oxime ether sorbate water dispersible granules, 250 grams per liter of azoxystrobin Ester, 10% difenoconazole water dispersible granules, 72% cream urea manganese zinc wettable powder, etc., Insecticides can be combined with 18g/l avermectin EC, 25g/L high-efficiency chlorine Cyhalothrin EC, 1.8% Avigochlor Emulsion and 4.8% Adichloroperfluoroaltochlor. At this time, it takes a long time to harvest the vegetables, and 1 to 2 fungicides and one insecticide can be mixed and used. Spraying should cover the entire shed, and the pesticide application personnel should do a good job of protection.

The smog application method requires the use of specific formulations such as smoke and fumigants, or application of special-purpose devices such as smoke dispensers and thermal foggers. Insecticide optional 22% dichlorvos smoke, 3% beta-cypermethrin smoke, 20% isoproxim smoke and 12% citric acid smoke, sterilization can be used 15% pythaea chlorothalonil smoke agent and 12.5% ​​A Frost chlorothalonil smoke agent and electric sulfur evaporator, etc.; horseradish complex biological fumigant can also be used, which is a deadly agent, both killing insecticidal and bactericidal effect. Most of the agents selected in the spray method are also suitable for normal-temperature aerosol applicators and thermal foggers, and the penetrability and uniformity of the mechanical applicator are good, and the conditions should be preferred.

Auxiliary Facilities

The greenhouse a filled with equipment like hydroponic, irrigation, auxiliary lighting ,temperature and humidity control and also may be automatically controlled by a computer to maximize potential growth.
Hydroponics can be used to make the most use of the interior space. The relatively closed environment of a greenhouse has its own unique management requirements, compared with outdoor production. Pests and diseases, and extremes of heat and humidity, have to be controlled, and irrigation is necessary to provide water. Most greenhouses use sprinklers or drip lines. Significant inputs of heat and light may be required, particularly with winter production of warm-weather vegetables.

Auxiliary Facilities,Greenhouse Ventilation Fan,Greenhouse Fogging System,Greenhouse Movable Irrigation