Method of breeding clematis

[ Agricultural Products Network] Clematis 's technical knowledge of planting, Bozhong Agriculture has given great support. The company focuses on the cultivation and research and development of Clematis . If you have any questions during the breeding process, you can interact in the comments section. We will respond in a timely manner.

Method of breeding clematis

Clematis is mostly deciduous or evergreen vines, flowering from early spring to late autumn, fruit in summer. So how is clematis cultivated?

ZUI good breeding time: the northern part of the clematis is propagated after thawing, and the middle part breeds in April-May.

ZUI good growth soil: Clematis is fertile, well-drained alkaline loam, avoids stagnant water or soil that is dry in summer and cannot retain water.

Growth Humidity Requirements: Clematis is very sensitive to moisture and cannot be too or too wet, especially during high temperature periods in summer, the matrix should not be too wet. In the dormant period, just keep the substrate moist.

ZUI good growth temperature: Clematis is cold-resistant and can withstand -20 low temperature. The temperature of the growing ZUI is 15~17°C at night and 21~25°C during the day. In summer, when the temperature is higher than 35 °C, the leaves of Clematis can cause yellowing or even falling leaves. In summer, cooling measures should be taken. In November, the temperature continued to decrease. When it reached below 5 °C, Clematis rose into a dormant period. In December, Clematis completely entered the dormant period. In the first and second weeks of the dormant period, Clematis began to fall.

ZUI good growth illumination: Clematis requires direct light for more than 6 hours per day, which is very beneficial for its growth, although it will produce spots during the hot weather.

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