Rex Rabbit Breed - Rex Rabbit

Rex rabbits are native to France and their coats are comparable to those of otters. In China, they are often referred to as "rabbits." In addition, because the fluffs of the rabbits are erect, they have a silky luster and are soft to the touch. "Velvet rabbits;" Rex rabbits have more colors, and some people call them color rabbits. At present, there are 28 types of FOX rabbits recognized in the United Kingdom and 14 types recognized by the United States. Rabbits reared in China are mostly imported from the United States. Their color types are classified as beaver, cyan blue, chocolate, lilac, bobcat, milky, red, black, seal, white, black, blue, and California. Color and floral colors. Rabbits are medium-sized rabbits, rabbits weighing 3-4 kg, body length 42-50 cm, chest 33-38 cm, 6-9 litter size litter. The coat is short and flat, erect, soft and thick, with a silky sheen and warmth. The coat has a standard length of 1.3-2.2 cm and an ideal length of 1.6 cm. The rex rabbit has a handsome appearance with a full hindquarters and a compact abdomen. The head was small, the ears were long and erect, and they were of "V" type.

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