Feeding dairy cows with high milk production
Wolfberry is a high-quality, high-quality forage for dairy cows that can replace part of the concentrate feed, and can increase milk fat percentage and increase milk production.苜蓿 Whether it is for green feeding, grazing, drying in the hay or making into pellet feed, good feeding results can be obtained. At the same time, the rate of conception can be increased, the incidence of limb diseases can be reduced, and the retention of the placenta can be significantly reduced. Bluegrass fresh grass can be used as the main forage of dairy cows. Using quail as the main green feed for dairy cows, adult dairy cows are fed 25-30 kg per head per day and young cows are fed 10-15 kg per head per day. Fresh grass fed cattle can be fed whole, but it is best to feed it after smashing. Grazing According to statistics, 1 hectare of good cocoon and cocksfoot mixed sowing grassland can produce 6975 kg of milk containing 4% of fat in a grazing period (165 days) without supplementation of concentrate feed. Silage is used to feed young cows and dairy cows with semi-dry silage and alfalfa hay. The effect of weight gain and milk production are extremely obvious. The quality of semi-dry silage feeding is better than that of alfalfa hay, and the cost is low and the benefit is high. Dry grass hay is a good feed for cows in winter and spring. The yield and quality of harvested alfalfa hay in different growing seasons were quite different. The data showed that the alfalfa hay milk yield was the highest at the early flowering stage, followed by 1/2 flowering hay at the flowering stage, and the hay production at the flowering stage was the lowest. The granules were fed with alfalfa granules, and the lactating cows had good persistence of milk yield and milk protein content. Replacement of alfalfa hay with alfalfa pellets can also increase the economic efficiency of dairy cows and reduce the cost of feeding. Tuberculosis (TB) is a potentially fatal contagious disease that can affect almost any part of the body but is mainly aninfection of the lungs. It is caused by a bacterial microorganism, the tubercle bacillus or Mycobacterium tuberculosis.Although TB can be treated, cured, and can be prevented if persons at risk take certain drugs, scientists have never comeclose to wiping it out. Few diseases have caused so much distressing illness for centuries and claimed so many lives. Tuberculosis Medicine For Tuberculosis,Streptomycin Tuberculosis,Kanamycin Tuberculosis NOUVASANT PHARMhealth LTD. , http://www.nouvasant.com