Barracuda Breeding Technology
Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin (acronym given as eCG but not to be confused with ECG) is a gonadotropic hormone produced in the chorion of pregnant mares. Previously referred to as pregnant mare's serum gonadotropin (PMSG), the hormone is commonly used in concert with progestogen to induce ovulation in livestock prior to artificial insemination.
We provide PMSG API both in solution and lyophilized powder. There are different assay, such as 100IU, 1000IU, 2500IU,5000IU, 10000IU, etc.
Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin,Equine Chorionic Gonadotropin,Equine Gonadotropin API,Serum Gonadotropin For Pregnant Mare Jiangxi Institute of Biological Products Inc. ,
In the natural environment, the gonads develop from the gonads to the second phase, when certain external ecological conditions (such as water temperature, light, tide or current, rainfall, salinity, etc.) stimulate the external receptors (eg, visual, auditory, Lateral lines, skin, etc.) generate excitement and transmit the received information (stimuli) to the central nervous system (brain) through the human nerve. Under the control of the central nervous system, the neurosecretory cells in the nucleus of the hypothalamus are stimulated. The gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GTH-RH) stored in the hypothalamus is secreted through the pituitary portal vein to the pituitary and promotes the pituitary. The leaves secrete a large amount of gonadotropins (GTH), which reach the gonads (ovaries or testes) through the circulation of body fluids.
After being affected by hormones, the gonads develop rapidly and begin to ovulate. At the same time, gonadal secretory retention hormones (steroids), in cooperation with the role of gonadotropins in the pituitary, make the broodstock estrus, and go into spawning and detoxification activities. If the secretion of gonadotropin is excessive, it will send a signal to the hypothalamus or pituitary through feedback, temporarily inhibiting the secretion of GTH-RH and gonadotropin GTH, thus forming a system of coordination and mutual restraint. The first half of the process from the outer receptor (sensory) to the hypothalamus is transmitted by the nerve; the latter part of the process from the pituitary gland to the sex cell is transmitted by chemical substances. The transition from nerve conduction to hormone transfer takes place on the contact surface between the hypothalamus and the pituitary.
The above shows that the gonadal development of fish is largely controlled by the pituitary gland. The secretory activity of the pituitary gland, to a large extent, is controlled by the central nervous system and other relevant motives. In brood brooders of sexual maturity age, although the ovaries of females develop to stage IV in the pool conditions, they do not have the existence of comprehensive ecological conditions like nature, and cannot spawn themselves in the pool (ovaries cannot be stage IV). Stage V of the transition to spawning), breeding offspring.
The basic principle of artificial oxytocin production is based on the above-mentioned biological principles of the natural reproduction of sea bream and bream fish. Taking into account the lack of pond ecological conditions, artificial methods are used to inject a certain dose of oxytoproducing agent into the broodstock to make it become a lymphatic body. And the flow of blood spreads this hormone to the whole body of the fish, partially replacing the pituitary secretion activity of live fish, and promoting the secretory activity of its pituitary gland itself, thereby replacing the integrated ecology needed for natural reproduction. Conditions, but only to retain those ecological factors necessary to affect the metabolism (such as water temperature, oxygen, etc.), to promote the gonad gonad maturation and spawning, ejaculation.
For the artificial reproduction of cockroaches and limnoides, the following basic conditions should be met during oxytocin production. That is, gonad gonads only develop to the end of the fourth period, ie, the egg yolk is full in the oocyte and the primordium is effective when the nucleus has been biased towards the animal pole. Poorly developed gonads are less responsive to hormones or simply not acceptable. Therefore, the gonad development status of broodstock is the primary condition. Under this premise, the broodstock is injected with an effective and appropriate amount of hormones to promote the maturation of sexual cells and act on the organs involved in the control of spawning activities to strengthen systemic neuro-fluid conditioning, cause estrus behavior, and complete the oviposition process. In addition, certain environmental conditions such as water temperature, oxygen, salinity, etc. must be met.
(II) Oxygen production agents (exogenous hormones) There are three types of effective oxytocin which are widely used in production. One is the pituitary gland of fish (mainly the pituitary gland of barracuda, squid, and squid); the other is mammals. Gonadal hormone products: The third category is combined. Pituitary fish in fish The pituitary gland is the most important endocrine gland in fish. It is located in the ventral surface of the diencephalon and is connected to the hypothalamus. The pituitary gland secretes a variety of hormones, and its use is also different. Among them, the hormonal disorders related to fish reproduction are collectively referred to as “gonadotropic hormonesâ€. Gonadotropin is generally considered to contain two effective substances, namely follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH). Follicle-stimulating hormone, whose function is to promote sperm, egg cell growth, development and maturation. Luteinizing hormone promotes the formation and ovulation of the corpus luteum in females, and stimulates the secretory function of sperm cells and sperm cells in the interstitial spaces in males. Therefore, the injection of gonads into the pituitary gland can promote the development of sperm and egg cells, and promote sperm appearance and ovulation.
Pituitary extraction and preservation: The content of pituitary gonadotropin in fish varies slightly from season to season. Generally, the time for collection of the pituitary glands of the shuttle and salmon is best performed in the winter or near the reproductive season. At this time, the content of gonadotropins in the pituitary is high and the dry product particles are full. The pituitary fish is preferably a sexually mature individual. The fish should be fresh, but soon after the fish die, the pituitary gland, which still retains considerable freshness, can still be used. When the pituitary gland is removed, the cranium is first removed with a knife and the fat in the brain cavity is removed to expose the entire fish brain. Then, the spinal cord behind the head is picked up with a forceps, and the brain is gently opened. Heart-shaped white small particles, that is, the pituitary gland. Carefully remove the connective tissue next to the pituitary gland with forceps and remove the pituitary. The extracted pituitary gland is required to remain intact and unbroken. Put it on the back of the hand, tumble several times with tweezers, remove the connective tissue and fat attached to the pituitary gland, and then release the human body into a vial of acetone or absolute alcohol 20 times the size of the pituitary gland. Degreasing, dehydration, changing a new solution after 8-12h, two or three times in succession, and finally removing the immersed pituitary, sucking it dry on absorbent paper, and then placing it in a vial, sealing and sealing the fish The name, size, number of pits, and date of excavation are stored in a desiccator for later use. You can also seal the bottle mouth with paraffin and store it in a cool, dry place. The pituitary gland thus preserved will not fail for at least two years.
2. HCG and Cinnabarol are two of the most commonly used products for mammalian gonadotropin products.
(1) Chorionic gonadotropin (HCG): This hormone is a gonadotropin secreted by the trophoblast of the placenta of the pregnant woman and is usually extracted from the urine of pregnant women. In the urine of pregnant women aged 3 to 5 months, the hormone content is high, and the main component is luteinizing hormone (LH), which is injected into the broodstock and has the effect of promoting the ovulation and ejaculation of the fish. It is the main production agent in artificial reproduction. Currently available veterinary (or fish) gonadotropins are white, pale, light yellow powder, or foamy solids, readily soluble in water, and hormones are susceptible to heat or moisture and are susceptible to failure, so the product should be sealed Keep in the shade.
(2) Sinarholine: This product is a mixture of 1/10 mammalian anterior gonadotropin and 9/10 HCG. Generally, the rabbit unit (RU) is the potency standard. The use of the product alone to induce salmon reproduction is ineffective and must be mixed with the pituitary gland of the fish. If supplemented with vitamin E, the effect is better.
3. Synthetic hormone gonadotropin-releasing hormone and its analog Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (LH-RH) is a natural product of neurohormone extracted from the hypothalamus of animals. It can control the regulation of the pituitary gland, stimulate the pituitary secretion of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating growth hormone, and then stimulate ovulation and sperm formation. Inspired by this, China has synthesized luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone (LRH) and its analogue (LRH-A). It has the same biological activity as natural LH-RH. It has been proved that LRH and its analogues have a good ripening effect on male and female broodstock through tests on fish spawning. In particular, LRH-A is 100 times more active than LRH, and it is very effective as a fish oxytocin and has practical value. It has been widely used in production. The quality of hormones is related to the effect of oxytocin. Before hormones are used, they must be carefully evaluated for potency. In general, the methods of falling eggs from the ovaries of the quail ovary are used. Even if the female quail with a weight of more than 50g is at a temperature of 20C, the lowest dose of extracorporeal egg fall within 50% within 24 hours is called the titer of the batch of hormones, which is called a quail. The unit (approximately equivalent to 500 international units).
(3) The culmination of the production season to select the most suitable season is one of the keys to the success of artificial breeding. If the time of oxytocin production is too early, the majority of female ovariectomies do not reach the sensitive stage, resulting in poor oxytocin production; if the oxytocin production is too late, the ovaries become too mature and the ovulation success cannot be achieved. From the maturation of the gonads to the degeneration of the gonads, the time to maintain good oxytocin production is usually only about 20 days, so it should be carried out during the culmination season. The spawning season of lobster fish varies depending on the water temperature in different parts of the country. In Jiangsu Province, urine production is generally conducted from the end of April to the beginning of May, and Shandong is from early May to late May.
The oxytocin effect is closely related to water temperature. The fish spawning is usually carried out at a water temperature of 15-22°C, and it is most suitable at 16-20°C. The water temperature is lower than 14°C or higher than 24°C, and there will not be any good results. The temperature of water for oyster production should be 15-20°C.