The original species grows in the mountains and hills of 500 to 2500 meters in Central and South America. The place is placed between the months of November and January in direct sunlight near the window. From February to October, place a shade of 50%. When the minimum outdoor temperature reaches 15 degrees, it does not matter if it is placed outdoors; however, it cannot be dew and rain at night. The flowering plants are placed in cold places with a minimum temperature of 5 degrees to 13 degrees, and the flowering period is relatively long. When the humidity is less than 50%, the flowering period becomes shorter, so when the room is dry, the whole body of the flower is sprayed with fog. When the minimum temperature for watering in winter is below 8°C, do not water the pot even if it is completely dry. In the warm morning, spray the pots, stems and leaves with moist water to a moist degree. We spray only little water to flowering plant. When the minimum temperature reaches 10 degrees or more, if the pot is dry, it can be watered. When the minimum temperature reaches 15 degrees or more, if the pot is dry, it can be fully watered. During fertilization and growth (spring to summer), liquid fertilizer was applied once a week. If you start buds, stop fertilizing. Transplanting potted spring, new shoots extending from 2cm to 5cm, or green roots out, the most suitable for transplanting pots. Other British Catlias made flowers in 1818 in Brazil in 1824. As a memorial, this blue became Catleayland. China Agricultural Network Editor