Application of IKN equipment in milk powder
The milk powder is prepared by drying the liquid milk and separating the other ingredients. Milk powder has a wide range of applications, including whole milk powder, skimmed milk powder, non-fat milk powder, casein salt, and other milk protein powder products. Compared with liquid milk, milk powder has many advantages, such as reduced transportation costs, increased shelf life, and easy mixing with other materials. The difficulty in processing milk powder lies in foaming and agglomeration. IKN industrial equipment can overcome these difficulties in an efficient manner. Advantages of IKN industrial equipment for milk powder hydration: Eliminate air bubbles and gas ingress. Conventional methods use a blender to add powder, or a vacuum feed, which is easy to introduce air and create bubbles. The PLD powder liquid mixer produced by IKN uses a powder feeding design to eliminate air bubbles and gas intrusion. Improve product continuity. The high shear forces acting on the product ensure the uniformity of dispersion and eliminate the agglomeration that is difficult to avoid with conventional processing methods. Reduce staff consumption. The PLD and PLC high shear mixers from IKN allow the powder and liquid to be mixed online and operated uniformly by the control panel. IKN high shear mixing and dispersing equipment suitable for hydrated milk powder Intermittent: EDC, EDS, EDE Online: SP, EDL, ER, ERS, PLC, PLD